Making a Difference

Natasha Barnes

· General

Here at Bronco, we love to help others where we can and make a positive difference within our local community of Ripon and beyond. International Making a Difference Day has made us reflect on the differences we have made recently and we would like to share these!

Supporting Muscular Dystrophy UK

On the 3rd October 2021, Bronco’s very own Becky ran the London Marathon to raise money for Muscular Dystrophy UK. Becky did an amazing job, raising a staggering £3136 and finishing with an impressive time of 3hours and 37 minutes ….looks like all that hard work in Bootcamp paid off! 

This charity is very close to all of our hearts at Bronco after we met the wonderful Jett from Ripon 5 years ago. Jett lives with Muscular Dystrophy and it was through him we became aware of this incredible charity that supports people with muscle-wasting conditions. After meeting Jett and creating him a website and a logo, we often do fundraising events for Muscular Dystrophy UK as we want to carry on raising money and awareness for this wonderful cause. 

In 2019 Becky also took part in the Great North Run for Muscular Dystrophy UK and Bronco, as a team, has taken part twice in Tough Mudder UK which was so much fun but raised in excess of £2000! 

After meeting Jett, we then met Edward who has Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, we made him a logo and cool website, and Becky ran for him in the 2020 Virtual London Marathon raising another £600.

A few of the pro gamers in the office also took part in a digital agency esports competition during the lockdown and managed to raise a substantial amount for charity too by coming second in the tournament and donating the prize money. These events are also great for team building and staff morale, which are two values Bronco takes great pride in!

Bronco also supports a wonderful charity called FOP Friends and Becky raised £1340 for them in this year’s Great North Run. FOP (Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva) is a very rare genetic connective tissue disorder. The disease causes bone to grow where it shouldn’t if the area suffers trauma, so the sufferers of FOP end up encased in their body. Dave and Becky’s niece suffers from the condition so we have tried to raise awareness and funds to help support much needed research to find a cure. 

Who Else We Support 

Bronco also support Graham Wilson, the 120 Marathon Man from Harrogate. We provided him with a logo and his original website. Graham set out to walk 120 marathons in 120 days and is actually doing his last marathon on Saturday on the Harrogate Ringway, if anybody would like to go and support him!

We have also been longtime major sponsors of the Ripon Rugby Club, Ripon Football Club and the Ripon Cricket Club to help these community clubs with their contribution to sport in the local area. 

We also love to support the Ripon Foodbank and we have recently started our collection in the office to donate before Christmas as we have recognised how much food banks across the country have suffered as a result of the pandemic. 

We are always aspiring to do more and think outside of the box and that’s why in 2017 we decided to adopt a beehive from Bees for Business! This amazing project is aiming to reverse the decline of honeybees across the UK and install 250 beehives over 5 years on their farm. We just knew we had to be a part of this incredible cause and just had to get involved with the buzz! We created The Life of Bees website to highlight the important roles bees have in our ecosystem and to educate others on how they can help too. We have previously given bee friendly flower seeds to our clients, colleagues and others in our community to encourage them to plant these in their gardens at home and give a little something back to our wonderful bee friends. 

Bronco loves to support others and hope by doing so we are making a difference to people’s lives. If you know anyone in the local community who could do with a helping hand, think about how you could offer any support as it is a very rewarding thing to do for all!

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