Bronco turns 19!

Natasha Barnes

· General

19 years ago today, Bronco was founded by our esteemed leaders, Dave and Becky Naylor. A lot has changed over the years, Bronco has gone from a two-man web development and hosting company, to now an established and very successful full service Digital Agency with a global reputation.

How times have changed…

It’s no secret that the past two years have been a challenge for everyone but due to our resilient and supportive team, Bronco has come out the other side stronger than ever before. Bronco’s 17th and big 18th birthday were celebrated in lockdown so this is the first year for a while that we can actually celebrate with the whole team! Working throughout the COVID-19 pandemic has certainly meant the way we work has changed, but we believe this has changed for the better. We have proven what a strong and flexible team we are, with our new hybrid working arrangements and our technology has allowed us to work seamlessly between the office and at home.

Mondays and Tuesdays are our office days, these days are needed so the whole team can get together, get creative and catch up on any tasks that need the whole team’s input. We also have Bootcamp on Tuesdays which most of the team take part in, it’s a great way to get up and moving and gets the team motivated for the rest of the week. Wednesdays to Fridays are our working from home days and this is when we have our real ‘head down’ days, after working from home during the pandemic this is something we have now adopted into our working week as it worked well for the team.

New opportunities…

Since the pandemic, we’ve secured some really big and challenging web projects as well as new global and UK based SEO clients. It’s great to be working with new industry sectors and we have all really pulled together as a team to develop our skills to be able to best support our clients and really help their businesses thrive online. We’ve also recently seen a growing popularity for our Paid Ads and Social Media services which are proving to be very successful for our clients.

When Bronco first opened its doors in 2003, the only services that were offered were Web Development, Web Hosting & Email and Dial up Internet. SEO as a service was just in its infancy, with Dave being one of the founders of the industry spending years travelling the world speaking at marketing conferences to teach others and assist the search engines. Now in 2022, we offer a whole range of digital marketing services including:

The stats…

Over 19 years Bronco has only had 40 members of staff….and 2 of the OGs are still here! Shout out to Ben and Janet! Following closely behind is:

We can’t forget Paul who has recently returned to Bronco after going solo for 10 years! We’re really proud of our low staff turnover and it really reflects how strong and adaptable our team really is, we see it as more of a family unit rather than a group of colleagues! This goes literally for Dave & Becky and Matt & Tash…the married couples of the office!

Even though we were in lockdown the team has still kept very busy since our 17th birthday in 2020!
Matt & Tash tied the knot just in time before the first lockdown and Kean recently got married to his partner Becky…..not our Becky….that would just be strange. We’ve also welcomed some new arrivals:

We’ll soon have enough to take over the reins in another 19 years!

There’s also been a lot of house moves too, Chris moved into his new home 3 weeks ago. Adam finally got the keys to his forever home just before Christmas and has been non-stop renovating since! Matt and Tash currently live in Nottinghamshire but are in the process of moving back up to Yorkshire and they are very excited to be back home in Knaresborough.

Then miles run by Becky…..this is a tricky one to pinpoint exactly but we guess its way over the 2000 mile mark in the last 2 years alone…. and money raised for charity during that time from running marathons is over £8000 but still increasing with the Boston Marathon just around the corner!

It’s been a busy few years for the Bronco family, to say the least, and we can’t wait to see what the next few years will bring!

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